Our Services
We offer a range of healthcare services to address all of your health and wellness needs.
Preventative Care
Comprehensive Approach to Health & Wellness through Foundational Health Assessment
Health Screenings
Culinary Coaching
Functional Care
Health & Lifestyle Coaching
We provide individualized coaching to help achieve your personal and lifestyle goals.
Weight Loss
We help you achieve your goals with personalized nutritional, supplemental recommendations, exercise program and stress management.
Holistic & Traditional Medicine
We integrate evidence-based approach for total body health with evidence-based personalized recommendations on dietary needs and supplementation, exercise program as well as eastern medicine approach including acupuncture.
Hormone Balancing
We use traditional blood testing, salivary cortisol testing and applied kinesiology as a way to investigate your endocrine system and help us develop a plan to get you to optimal health.
Enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life for those with physical impairments or disabilities.
Mental Health
We skillfully integrate a mind/body care plan into an individualized treatment approach as part of your wellness plan.
Telehealth Services
Whether you’re in Florida or Maine, we offer telehealth services for your own comfort and convenience.